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The Cornell Club in New York City | Transmission Development Post-Order 1000 Event

Wright & Talisman hosted its most recent Transmission Roundtable, the ninth in a series of utility conferences, at the Cornell Club in New York City. More than 60 energy investment bankers, private equity fund managers, and utility executives joined us for an informative and dynamic event that explored the opportunities and challenges for transmission development post-Order 1000. TAG Energy Partners was a co-sponsor of the event. Guest speakers included: FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller; Al Statman, President and Managing Shareholder at Wright & Talisman; Scott Medla of TAG Energy Partners; Maureen Borkowski, President of Ameren Transmission; Jim Muntz, President-Transmission of Northeast Utilities; and Andrew Schroeder, Senior Partner at Energy Investors Funds. Wendy Warren, a Shareholder at Wright & Talisman, moderated. To view the program details, please click on the event title above.